Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Installation and Deployment (cours 80296)
Cours disponible en français ou en anglais - Training available in French or in English
Durée: 2 jours
Objectifs du cours :
This two-day instructor course covers the installation and configuration of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011. The course describes the components used within a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 deployment, installation instructions for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server, the E-mail Router, Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Office Outlook, how to configure Claims-based authentication and how to implement an Internet-facing deployment.
Compétences acquises :
Les stagiaires seront à même d'effectuer les tâches suivantes :
- Discover which components are required for a successful Microsoft Dynamics CRM implementation.
- Examine the role of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment.
- Identify the differences between the two modes of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Office Outlook.
- Review the role of Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router in processing incoming and outgoing e-mail.
- Review the role of Microsoft SQL Server and the databases employed by Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
- Review the role of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions.
- Review the role of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Language Packs.
- Review the role of Microsoft SharePoint in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment.
- Discuss the role of Internet Information Services (IIS) in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment.
- Examine the role of Active Directory in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment
- Identify the need for planning a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Deployment.
- Identify the required privileges for the installation user.
- Identify the supported server topologies.
- Examine the hardware requirements for each component of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM implementation.
- Review the software requirements for each component of a Microsoft Dynamics CRM implementation.
- Identify the Active Directory configurations supported by Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.
- Examine how network traffic to and from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server can be encrypted.
- Identify the editions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.
- Examine the licensing model used by Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
- Review the components of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server architecture.
- Identify the components that are installed during Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Setup.
- Review the options for creating the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server website.
- Review the rights required to install Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server.
- Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server.
- Review installation troubleshooting and identify known issues.
- Identify the tasks and configuration settings that are completed after the installation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server.
- Examine how to install Microsoft Dynamics CRM using the command line.
- Examine how sample data can be added to a Microsoft Dynamics CRM implementation
- Examine the two types of Reporting Services reports.
- Review when Microsoft Dynamics CRM Reporting Extensions is required.
- Identify the requirements for installing Microsoft Dynamic CRM Reporting Extensions.
- Review when Microsoft Dynamics CRM Report Authoring Extension is required
- Examine the role of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment.
- Discover how the Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router processes incoming e-mail and outgoing e-mail messages.
- Install the Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router.
- Review the E-mail Router configuration options.
- Examine how to create a forward mailbox.
- Review the purpose of deploying forwarding rules.
- Review the requirement to approve e-mail addresses.
- Review options for installing the E-mail Router on multiple computers.
- Review troubleshooting tips
- Identify the features of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Outlook.
- Review the hardware and software requirements for Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook.
- Identify the deployment methods for installing Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook.
- Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook.
- Configure Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook to connect to Microsoft Dynamics CRM organizations.
- Configure user settings and options related to e-mails.
- Install Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook using the command line.
- Review how Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with offline capability works and how to configure the offline database
- Provide a background to claims-based authentication.
- Describe the requirements for configuring an Internet-Facing Deployment.
- Review the certificates required for an Internet-facing Deployment.
- Identify the steps to install Active Directory Federation Service 2.0.
- Review the Active Directory Federation Service 2.0 configuration steps.
- Review the steps to configure claims-based authentication in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
- Review the steps to configure an Internet-Facing Deployment in Microsoft Dynamics CRM
- Identify the restrictions and requirements before starting an upgrade.
- Review the high-level phases of an upgrade process.
- Review the need for an upgrade strategy.
- Understand the need for a test environment.
- Identify the need to validate an upgrade of a test environment.
- Review the upgrade of the production deployment phase.
- Identify the steps for an in-place upgrade of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0
- Identify the steps for a migration upgrade of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0.
- Identify the steps for a Connect to existing deployment upgrade of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0.
- Understand the upgrade process for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 E-mail Router.
- Review issues with upgrading Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 for Outlook.
- Understand the upgrade process for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 for Outlook
- Review why the redeployment of Microsoft Dynamics CRM is required.
- Describe the role of deployment administrators.
- Review the steps to create new organizations.
- Describe the management tasks for existing organizations.
- Describe how to add an existing organization database to the deployment.
- Review Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server management tasks.
- Review the high-level steps to configure access to Microsoft Dynamics CRM from the Internet.
- Describe how to update the Microsoft Dynamics CRM web addresses.
- Review Microsoft Dynamics CRM license information.
- Describe the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Edition upgrade options
- Review the reasons for installing Microsoft Dynamics CRM on multiple computers.
- Describe the role of Network Load Balancing in providing enhanced scaling and availability.
- Describe the role of clustering Microsoft SQL Server in providing enhanced scaling and availability.
- Examine the high-availability options for other supporting components.
Connaissances requises :
Pour suivre ce cours, les stagiaires doivent disposer des connaissances suivantes :
- Microsoft Windows Server 2008
- Active Directory
- Internet Information Services (IIS)
- Microsoft Exchange
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008
- Microsoft Outlook
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