Creating Object-Oriented Solutions Using C# (cours 50211)
Cours disponible en français ou en anglais - Training available in French or in English
Durée: 4 jours
Objectifs du cours :
Working with an object-oriented language is a must have skill in today's business world. Most introductory language courses focus on the syntax, libraries, and tools of the language but fail to explain the most important aspect: How to effectively use the language to solve business problems.
This four-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge, principles and skills to design software solutions using Visual C# and Microsoft Visual Studio. Along the way, you will use the tools, learn the syntax, and gain experience with the core libraries that you will use every day in your development. The course is heavily hands-on, and provides the students ample opportunity to practice using the knowledge and skills in the context of creating an application. Students will be exposed to principles and best practices for creating maintainable, extensible software. Improving's instructors brings real-world experience and insight to the classroom, and students walk away with knowledge, experience, and references to enhance retention.
Compétences acquises :
Les stagiaires seront à même d'effectuer les tâches suivantes :
- Create a Solution.
- Create a Console Project.
- Create a Library Project.
- Create an Unit Test.
- Create a Class.
- Create a Main method.
- Debug an application.
- Set breakpoints in your code.
- Set exception breakpoints.
- Attach to a running project.
- Reference another project.
- Reference a third-party library.
- Write text to the console.
- Use an if statement
- Comparison Operators and Boolean Expressions.
- If-Else Statements.
- Switch-Case Statements.
- Ternary Operator.
- Is Operator
- Attributes.
- Composition.
- Encapsulation.
- Association.
- Aggregation.
- Inheritance.
- Abstraction.
- Responsibility.
- Messaging.
- Polymorphism.
- Collaboration.
- Interfaces
- Create Automated Unit Tests.
- Describe Test-Driven Development.
- Follow the TDD Mantra – Red, Green, Refactor.
- Describe Behavior-Driven Development.
- Create a class, the fundamental unit of compilation for .NET
- Create Exceptions.
- Throw Exceptions.
- Validate Parameters through Guard Clauses
- Create Arrays.
- Use the for, foreach, while, and do iteration statements
- Describe the differences between Arrays and Lists.
- Use Generics.
- Loop through Lists
- Achieve polymorphism through the use of interfaces.
- Define custom interfaces.
- Implement multiple interfaces in a class
- Reference methods through Delegates.
- Anonymously declare Delegates.
- Reference local variables from Delegates
- Register for Events.
- Declare a custom Event.
- Describe how Events in C# provide looser coupling
- Distinguish when inheritance should be used (or not used).
- Define virtual, abstract, override, sealed, interface, base, this, protected.
- Chain Constructors
- Tell between good and bad responsibility assignment.
- Apply principles for better responsibility assignment.
- Do selective iteration using custom iterators
- Better understand the .NET memory model.
- Use IDisposable and the using statement to manage streams and memory
- Effectively handle exceptions using try, catch, finally, and throw.
- Identify some common mistakes that are made when handling exceptions.
- Read and write data to a file on the local file system
- Use the XML Serializer to export and import their object to and from XML.
- Identify some different attributes and settings for XML Serialization.
- Use UML to communicate designs
- Identify smells in a model.
- Match smells to refactorings.
- Point out the benefits of iterative and incremental development
Connaissances requises :
Pour suivre ce cours, les stagiaires doivent disposer des connaissances suivantes :
- 6+ months of C# programming experience
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