Workflow and Dialog Processes in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 (cours 80444)
Cours disponible en français ou en anglais - Training available in French or in English
Durée: 1 jour
Objectifs du cours :
This training provides students with tools and information to help them better understand how processes can be implemented in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
Compétences acquises :
Les stagiaires seront à même d'effectuer les tâches suivantes :
- Identify the types of processes in Microsoft Dynamics CRM
- Describe the three types of workflow
- Summarize the design process for implementing processes
- Describe the steps to perform a business process analysis
- Creating Workflows
- Workflow Scope
- Starting Windows
- Workflow Steps
- Dynamic Values
- Stages
- A Set of Sales Process Workflows
- Testing the Sales Process Workflows
- Workflows and Sales Pipeline Reporting
- Extending Workflows
- What are Dialogs?
- Creating Dialogs
- Dialog Structure
- Running Dialogs
- Monitoring Processes
- Importing and Exporting Processes
- Process Security
- Importing Exporting Processes
- Process Security
Connaissances requises :
Pour suivre ce cours, les stagiaires doivent disposer des connaissances suivantes :
- Experience using Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 or Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
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