Introduction to HTML5 (cours 50564)
Cours disponible en français ou en anglais - Training available in French or in English
Durée: 2 jours
Objectifs du cours :
This two-day instructor-ledcourse provides students with the knowledge and skills to work with HTML5.
Compétences acquises :
Les stagiaires seront à même d'effectuer les tâches suivantes :
- Lay out a page with HTML 4 (the "old" way).
- Lay out a page with HTML5.
- Understand the differences between the HTML5 and HTML 4 structures.
- Understand the new HTML5 Doctype.
- Understand the simpler script and style tags used in HTML5
- Understand what problems HTML 4 addresses.
- Understand what problems XHTML addresses.
- Understand how HTML5 addresses these problems.
- Understand the new features of HTML5.
- Know what is in the HTML5 Spec.
- Understand browser support for HTML5
- Understand how to use SECTION and ARTICLE tags to eliminate inherent HTML 4 structure problems.
- Understand what outlining is and how it is determined.
- Understand how heading tags H1, H2, etc.) affect a document's structure/outline
- Use the AUDIO tag.
- Use the VIDEO tag.
- Detect audio and video failure.
- Code for browsers that do not support the AUDIO and VIDEO tags
- Understand Modernizr, the JavaScript library for testing for HTML5 support.
- Understand HTML5's new form fields and attributes.
- Understand new types of inputs in HTML5.
- Understand built-in HTML5 form validation.
- Understand the new HTML5 output, progress, and meter elements
- How to use the two client-side storage methods in the W3C's Web storage specification.
- About the past and future of client-side storage
- Get started with canvas.
- Draw lines.
- Draw rectangles and circles.
- Reposition and rotate the canvas.
- Create animations.
- Understand the new HTML5 APIs
Connaissances requises :
Pour suivre ce cours, les stagiaires doivent disposer des connaissances suivantes :
- HTML 4
- Basic CSS
- Basic Java Script
- Ajax
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